Monday, April 6, 2009

Fat Horses

Need I say more???
I am embarrassed to admit I have turned into a fair weather rider, but now that spring is kindof here I have major spring fever.

I am also happy to report that I took these pictures WITH MY NEW CAMERA!!! I couldn't resist myself at Costco and just went ahead and bought it.


Shalice said...

The clearity of these photos are great!! I am so jealous! I need a new camera.

The Roberts Family said...

love the pictures! and i need a new camera too!!

Roberts Family Ramblings said...

Your camera takes great pics! Hope you are well and get in some good riding time. I feel really bad, we just got the announcement for Lucy's wedding returned that we sent you and Brett. I guess I have the wrong address for you guys. If you are down this way on April 24th, you are invited! :)

Rusty and Jessica Terry said...

Great pic's